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CANDIDATE FOR WASHOE COUNTY COMMISSION District 4 Sparks—Spanish Springs Warm Springs/Palomino Valley Pyramid Lake—Nixon Wadsworth—East Truckee Canyon |
![]() Schmidt concerned about urban sprawl Click here for the article from the Sparks Tribune, June 1st 2008 |
jlangfordgray wrote: Gary Schmidt has some very creative and highly viable ideas about what would work best for everyone, "candidate for Washoe County Commission in District 4, called for dumping Waste Management as the garbage company because of the high cost of taking things to its landfill and collection stations. He said local officials should find a way to cut those costs or provide for free dumping, cheaper than enforcing laws against dumping in the desert and organizing crews to haul away the cars. He also said recycling should be promoted more, saying businesses on East Fourth Street pay for old appliances but “people still haul old refrigerators out to the desert.” then "Schmidt said Winnemucca Ranch, west of Pyramid Lake and in Reno’s annexation area, should be its own city." Gary Schmidt would be a fresh approach to Washoe County government looking out for the citizens that elected him as opposed to the current commissioners that are in the pockets of the developers. Vote Schimdt Dist 4! RGJ 0/09/2008 9:57:09 p.m. SparkyNV wrote: Larkin, is responsible for costing the taxpayers $13.5 million in the Ballardini debacle. Because, of course he declined to comment on the deal. Larkin does not respect or listen to the people who come to the commission meetings to voice their opinion. Larkin is a proponent of sprawl growth and he is making the traffic worse on Pyramid highway by caving into his special interest friends with projects like Winnemucca Ranch and Kiley Ranch developments. Vote Larkin out and Schmidt in if you want sustainable growth that pays its own way. RGJ 10/08/2008 7:37:54 a.m. Larkin said he would provide "strong, respectful leadership" and "thoughtful, sustainable planning" for a high quality of life. His Democratic opponent, Gary Schmidt, saw Larkin's record differently. "If you want further economic collapse and degradation of our quality of life in this community, if you want escalating taxes and fees to pay for the windfall profits of special interest groups, if you want continued disrespect and abuse of the citizens and public, then I'm not your candidate," Schmidt said. "If you are mad as hell and are not going to take it any more, then I'm your candidate." RGJ 10/08/2008 GuyFelton wrote: Bob Larkin refuses to explain how he and Gammick, and a few minor players, lost the Ballardini lawsuit. When the repayment of an involved loan is factored in, the Ballardini loss will cost Washoe taxpayers $30-million. THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS! In general, Larkin dirties his diapers when citizens ask questions about Washoe government. By law, public officials are OBLIGATED to answer questions about material issues ~ such as Nevada's use of voting machines that are easy to rig to throw elections ~ but Tyrant Larkin sees himself as empowered to defecate on the law. Larkin "conveniently" ignores laws and court rulings that go against his agenda. He treats public meetings and other county affairs as none of the people's business. When commissioners lie during meetings, he refuses to permit rebuttals. And he only permits applause WHEN HE APPLAUDS! Gary Schmidt will demonstrate how American government is supposed to work. Gary gets my vote. 10/08/2008 11:17:07 a.m. Dear Mr. Schmidt, My wife and I have been homeowners and voters here in Sparks for almost 20 years. I recently noticed your campaign sign on Baring and Sparks Blvds. Since it included a web address, I thought I would check it out. I honestly thought you were the same Schmidt who serves on the Sparks city council. I was pleasantly surprised at what I found. Assuming you're running as a Democrat, you can count on our support at the polls. We are both stauch Democrats and will NEVER vote for a Republican for any office. You have a great website. I've got to tell you that having the same name as Ron Schmidt is bound to create confusion with the voters. We've been very disappointed with his performance on our city council. Good luck with your campaign against reckless, uncontrolled growth. Sincerely, Paul W. Weaver Attn: Nathan Orme June 26, 2008 Editor Sparks Tribune 1002 "C" St. Sparks, NV. 89423 RE: guest editorial / letter to Editor: I would like to offer some comments about Gary Schmidt, who is seeking the office of Washoe County Commissioner for the greater Sparks community. I have known Mr. Schmidt for many years and have observed his work on the Washoe County Board of Equalization and elsewhere. Unlike others in the county, Mr. Schmidt has proven to be thoroughly acquainted with Nevada's property tax laws. While on the County Board he applied his detailed expertise with patience and objectivity in order to provide the fairest possible outcome to all parties, large and small. From the Assessor to the County Commission, Washoe County government has had little sympathy for the rights and interests of average citizens and taxpayers, in its quest to keep tax dollars flowing into local government pockets. Many of us know first hand about the Assessor's creative efforts to raise values sky high in order to justify tax increases far into the future.Those who have stood up to local government have witnessed the scorn and contempt. of Washoe County officials for average citizens and taxpayers who disagree with their agenda. Gary Schmidt has fought corruption in local government. When he county board decisions they didn't like, Mr. Schmidt had to face the threats and insults of county officials, and was forced to defend himself against their pathetic illegal efforts to throw him off the county board and to keep him out of county government. There are few individuals such as Gary Schmidt, who is willing to fight the bad habits of our arrogant local government at his own expense, on his own time, with his own resources, and with nothing else to gain except the satisfaction of standing up for honor and decency, and for the principles of justice, fairness, and liberty that was once at the heart of our state of Nevada. Gary Schmidt is tough and seasoned, yet compassionate and generous. We have very few resources left like Gary Schmidt. We should welcome him and respond to his willingness to serve, while we still have the chance to elect an honest person to our county commission. Les Barta Washoe County Resident and Property Owner |
ELECTED OFFICIALS MUST STRIVE TO WELCOME, ENCOURAGE, AND FACILITATE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THEIR LOCAL GOVERNMENT The process of County Government is broken and we are in financial crisis. Most County residents have little or no confidence or respect for County Officials, whether elected or bureaucrats. County government must be restructured and reinvented. Returning County governance to a much more public process where citizens not only have the perception that they can make a difference, but they actually can make a difference, is the necessary first step in reforming the failed policies and management of County Government in recent years.
Without immediate and corrective measures our quality of life will continue to plummet out of control at the same time we have pressures for increased taxes, fees, costs, & deficits. Please VOTE for me to make that change. |