Gary Schmidt - Dist. 5 W.C. CommissionerCandidate

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Gary R. Schmidt Campaign for Washoe Co. Commission—District 5!

Contact: 775 674-2008 (e-mail) (Web page)




May 19, 2006. Gary R. Schmidt, a candidate for Dist. 5 Washoe County Commission, ate lunch at the Sun Valley Senior Center today and then attended the “Ice Cream Social” scheduled for 12:30pm for his opponent, Ms. Weber.  Fun was had by all residents and guests but Ms. Weber missed her opportunity to visit and meet with the attendees as she was late arriving and all of the Sun Valley residents had left.

KREN channel 27 TV reporter waited, as well as the “infamous” John Tyson from Channel 8 TV.  Tyson gave up and left but the Hispanic TV waited for Weber’s arrival.

Gary Schmidt said, “the ice cream was cold but the constituents were hot by Weber’s snubbing them again.”  Schmidt also plans to attend the Sun Valley Senior Center regularly, saying, “I loved the stimulating conversations.  There were many examples of Citizen wisdom and I plan to tap that source.  There were also plenty of strong opinions about county government.  Even in that small gathering there were over twenty centuries of combined experience and wisdom.”

Schmidt stated, “It was an honor to meet and chat with Charlie, a WWII Armored Division Tank Commander.”

Gary was pleasantly surprised at the “social” when he met Gerry, a “world traveler,” who revealed she had attended one of Schmidt’s Concerts in the 60’s featuring B.J. Thomas. For decades, Mr. Schmidt has been a successful entertainment producer for many well known bands.

Gary Schmidt believes, “the current elected officials tend to ignore the WILL and WISDOM of the people.  The people understand the issues and they have real solutions to real problems—their government just has to learn to listen to them!”


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